What you see above is a Sunday morning service at Liberty Revival Church in Houston, Texas, located near Northwest Mall at 16200 State Highway 249. My family visited there recently and when the music started, many in the congregation went forward to stand in front of the praise team so they could take a more active part in the worship. Without making a conscious decision or speaking to anyone else, I found myself up front, too. I didn't want to miss out on anything. And it was really good.

Sometime later, I looked down and was surprised to see my 5 year old grandson standing to my left, his face aglow, clapping to the music.
Praise music isn't new to him. His mom plays it in the car and he sings along. And over a year ago, he sung "Jesus, my Loooord" to me on the phone and told me that Jesus is his Lord, even though no one has formally led him in that confession. At our house he asks me to put on the "Jesus music" and he plays it as loud as he can. Then he runs to his Papa to share his excitement. Of course, we think he is special and I'm proud to show him off in this article. Jesus thinks he's pretty special, too. He loves him deeply in a personal way, as He does each of us. But there's something more here I want to say: children are experiencing God today in a way that most of us have never seen.
Jeris J. Cribbs in the August 2006 issue of The Voice of the Prophetic magazine writes that we are increasingly seeing God move in children today in " . . . a Joel 2, Acts 2 demonstration." There are three articles in the magazine about God moving on children. Steve Shultz has one called Out of the Mouth of Babes, in which he tells a true story about God using children to save an American Soldier.
And then there's Akiane, an 11 year old painter, whose parents were atheist before Jesus began visiting her when she was four years old. Her most compelling painting, in my opinion, was done when she was 8 and is called Prince of Peace. She has been featured in many magazines and newspapers and has appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show.
Why not check out her website and see which of her paintings is your favorite? Click here.
Tags: Religion , Spirituality , Faith , Inspiration , Encouragement , Jesus , Christ , Christianity , Bible , Children , God
1 comment:
What an amazing gift! I love the painting "forbidden". It speaks volumes already and then to read how and what she heard from God as He directed it...it's amazing!
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