Tuesday, March 13, 2007


I've been mulling over this quote for a long time. It intrigues me but I'm not sure if I totally agree with it. I think there are definitely times to speak the truth and times to stand up for the truth. But can a hurting person hear the truth? Probably not, especially if spoken in a combative way. This I know, we need to respond not just react out of our emotions.

What do you think?

Let us learn to discern whether the words spoken against us
or against God or against the truth
are merely for the wind--
spoken not from the soul, but from the sore.
If they are for the wind, let us wait in silence and not reprove.
Restoring the soul, not reproving the sore, is the aim of our love.

~ John Piper from A Godward Life~


In all your ways know, recognize and acknowledge him,
and he will direct and make straight and plain your paths.


In all your ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.

When I acknowledge God, I respond first to who he has shown himself to be to me. I give thanks to him for revealing himself to me as my savior, my helper, my healer, my keeper, my constant companion and friend. I recognize his authority as Creator of the universe and as Head of his church, of which I am a member. I declare that his promises and claims in his Word are good and true. I tell him that I believe what he says and I trust who he is.

Sometimes I come to him in the midst of stife and uncertainty but acknowledging him in this way builds my faith so that I can confidently release myself into his care and experience his peace, knowing he will take charge of my situation and direct me in straight and plain paths.

Monday, March 05, 2007


There is no one like our God,
who rides on the heavens to help us...
The eternal God is our refuge
And underneath are the everlasting arms.
He drives out our enemy... so we live in safety.

Blessed are we, a people saved by the Lord.
He is our shield and helper and glorious sword.
Our enemies cower before us and
We trample down their high places.

Deut 33:26-29, Personalized