Saturday, April 15, 2006


The following is an excerpt from the Easter music CD Max Lucado: He Chose the Nails:

History has only one main event.
Scripture has only one main event.
Others matter but only one is essential . . .
David's defeat of Goliath might reduce your timidity but only the cross prepares you for eternity.

For if there is no cross of Christ, then there is no truth to Christ . . .
To remove the cross is to remove the hingepin from the door of hope
For if there is no cross, then there is no sacrifice for sin.
If there is no sacrifice for sin, how will you face the sinless God?
Will you cleanse your own sin?
And if there is no cross of Christ, then there is no resurrection of Christ.
And if there is no resurrection, how will you live again?
Will you push back your own grave?

Let there be no mistake, the cross is not an event in history,
it is The Event of History.

Cleansing from sin, access to God's throne room, grace to help, defeat of our enemies, eternal life: Yes, the cross of Christ is The Main Event in history, both in mankind's history and in our personal history. It is the springboard into all the good things of God. Let us prioritize our lives around it.

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