Over the years I have read many books that impacted me, but if I could only have one book in addition to the Bible, it would be this one by Derek Prince:
Your Appointment With God, published by Chosen in 2000. Above the title on the front page are these words, "Discover God's extravagant provision for all your needs." The back cover adds this information, "Look at what is ours through Christ's atoning work!"
DEREK PRINCE: AUTHOR, TEACHERIf you aren't familiar with Derek Prince (1915-2003), he was an internationally-known Bible teacher whose daily radio program once broadcast to half the population of the world in various languages. His presentation of Bible texts was clear and concise. People of all denominations found his teaching to be relevant and insightful. He authored over 40 books and more than 500 audio and 150 video teaching cassettes.
He had a Ph.D. from Cambridge University and a Fellowship in Philosophy at King's College,
. In addition, while at Cambridge, he was an avowed atheist. But his former life brought no satisfaction to him, only depression. After an encounter with Jesus, his life was transformed.
There are four divisions to this book of 223 pages:
Part 1: The Cross at the Center;
Part 2: The Nine Exchanges; Part 3: Five Aspects of Deliverance; Part 4: How to Appropriate What God Has Provided. Because I think this book is so important, I am going to write this review in several parts, presenting pertinent information along the way.
CONSIDER THE WORK OF CALVARYThe introduction opens with Derek in a military hospital in Egypt with an incurable skin disease. He is also depressed. Sovereignly God moves to give him direction to "consider the work of Calvary: a perfect work, perfect in every respect, perfect in every aspect." With these words, he is directed to the answer to his problems. He understood he was to focus on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross of Calvary. As he did this, he received a complete and permanent healing. For the remainder of his life he continued in the same manner and received many additional blessings.
In the rest of the book, Derek shares God's extravagant provision through the cross of Jesus for every need in human life. In his own words, "The essence of my discovery was this: On the cross a divinely ordained exchange was enacted in which all the evil due to our sinfulness came on Jesus, that in return all the good due to His spotless righteousness might be made available to us."
MORE NEXT TIMESo, the stage is set. Next post on this topic will go in more depth about God's amazing provision through the cross.